Vasana Spogliarich
Vasana led A Walking Tour of Ancient Japan, November 2006, for Sacred Earth Journeys.
It was during her 3 years in India in the late 1970s and early 1980s that Vasana’s interest in sound began through using a variety of meditation techniques. In 1989, while living in Italy, she began studying in the UK with Dr. Harry Oldfield, world famous expert in Kirlian photography and the inventor of Electro-Crystal Rebalancing and Polycontrast Interference Photography (PIP). Both she and her husband, Nabhraj, became practitioners and had a studio in Italy for 5 years before moving to Canada in 1995. They have owned and run Camelot–The Energy Connection since 1996 and have lectured extensively in Italy, Canada, China and the USA. They have been trainers in both Electro-Crystal Rebalancing and PIP for The Oldfield College since 1999 and are members of the Institute of Complementary Medicine (UK) as well as members of the British Register of Complementary Practitioners.
Vasana, with her husband Nabhraj, spent 4 years translating the book "L'Esperienza Tantrica" Volume II from The Tantric Vision by Osho. These are a collection of discourses on the sutras "The Royal Song of Saraha". Saraha was a mystic who was born 200 years after Buddha and is known as the founder of Tibetan Tantra. His teacher was the disciple of the son of Gautama Buddha. Saraha, like Buddha before him, had abandoned the traditional ways and speaks to us from the other shore through poetry. It was published in 1996 by News Services Corporation, Italy.
Vasana Spogliarich has led journeys to Japan for Sacred Earth Journeys. If you are interested in creating a custom tour with Vasana, please contact us for a quote!