Dr. Alexina Mehta
Dr. Alexina Mehta is leading a Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat in South India, March 2018.
Dr. Alexina Mehta encountered yoga and the spiritual traditions of her Indian heritage at a young age and is fascinated with the possibilities of human potential. Her great grandfather, R.B. Lal Singh Mehta, discovered the oldest written book ever found on earth so far, called the Diamond Sutras. The book teaches about the nature of reality, enlightenment, and compassion, teachings that are an important part of Alexina’s life. With these teachings, she seeks to empower people to step into what is possible for them.
Her undergraduate education in Kinesiology and Fitness at the University of British Columbia gave her the initial tools to discover her own body by learning how it works on a mechanical and physiological level, while her formal training in Yoga and Pilates awoke in her the knowledge of the other levels at which the body works. She later continued her studies to become a Naturopathic Physician as well as a doula. Alexina has also trained in other healing modalities such as Craniosacral and Bowen Therapy, Energy Medicine, Intuition Development, Family Constellation work, and Nia Dance. She also is a graduate of the Four Winds Energy Medicine Institute. As part of her training, she journeyed to Peru to be with the Qu’ero elders, the indigenous peoples of Peru. She also worked with the Four Winds Energy Medicine Institute as a teaching assistant.
Currently, Alexina practices Naturopathic Medicine in Vancouver, BC, utilizing the modalities of herbal medicine, energy medicine, counselling, homeopathy, physical medicine, nutrition, acupuncture, and much more. She is essentially a detective, teacher, and doctor all in one.
She is also the Founder of Celebrating the Goddess, a personal development company and thriving community for women in Vancouver. Currently Celebrating the Goddess is expanding across North America. Stay tuned for more details on how to bring Celebrating the Goddess to your community.
More info on Celebrating the Goddess: www.celebratingthegoddess.com
More info on Dr. Mehta www.dralexinamehta.com