Dr. Chris Sopa
Dr. Chris Sopa is a world-renowned psychologist, lecturer and researcher on self-awareness and emotional intelligence and their effects on healing the body, mind, and spirit. She is a world-traveller and author of three books, including Choosing the Life You Were Born to Live: How Changing Your Thoughts Will Change Your Life.
She has spent the last 20 years studying human potential, how to learn the lessons from loss, self-awareness, and ‘selective mind theory™’ (the ability to select the thoughts that will drive the behaviours we seek). After experiencing several tragic and challenging life events, Dr. Chris became a student of her own life and is compelled by the belief that when self-aware, we can extract the lessons from our life experiences and use them to guide us.
Dr. Chris’ passion can be found at the juncture of the mind (logic) and the heart (intuition), both working together as channels that guide us on our own unique path. She uses the idea of tapping into the whole person (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) to help people overcome seemingly impossible obstacles, personal and professional life changes, loss of power (self-worth), and illness.
As an avid world traveller, Dr. Chris uses this passion to host sacred global journeys where souls can be reawakened, and transformation can happen. On these journeys, while experiencing local tradition, ceremonies, and culture, individuals begin to see their life through a new lens and the door for transformation opens.
Read more about Dr. Chris on her website: https://chrissopa.com/