Freddy Silva is one of the world's leading researchers of ancient civilizations, sacred sites and their interaction with consciousness. He is the best-selling author of The Divine Blueprint.
MOREJoin best-selling author & ancient mysteries researcher Freddy Silva on this carefully crafted tour of Egypt's temple complexes and sacred sites.
Explore the teachings of the Mysteries schools brought to Egypt by the Shining Ones, Followers of Horus, while experiencing the pyramids of Giza and Dahshur, the temple complexes of Saqqara, Abydos, Edfu, Dendera, Kom Ombu, Philae, Karnak and Luxor. Other pleasures include access to three pyramids, the mysterious Osirion, the Serapeum, and the once restricted initiation chambers of Unas and Thutmosis III. And not forgetting private access and mediation inside the Great Pyramid. Candles burning at both ends? Absolutely. THIS JOURNEY IS SOLD-OUT. NEW JOURNEYS WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN OUR NEWSLETTER! READ MORE
Freddy Silva is one of the world's leading researchers of ancient civilizations, sacred sites and their interaction with consciousness. He is the best-selling author of The Divine Blueprint.
MORETravel so often is simply going to see a place. Ancient Egypt needs to be experienced, its stunning grandeur and strangeness connected to the underlying belief system of the Followers of Horus. Will Clark, Denver, CO
A most powerful and transformational trip full of historical information valid today for one's expansion, growth and personal exploration of self-imposed limitations. Geneva De La Rouge, Santa Barbara, CA
Tour Description
Some years ago a team of scientists travelled to Egypt to prove that elusive border between science and mysticism. Their task was to measure the energy of temples and figure out whether it comes from the buildings, the people or a combination of both. The results were surprising in that places such as the pyramids, and temples such as Edfu and Luxor, generated an output of energy as large as that created by a group of people in deep meditation. But when people and temples combined, the readings were remarkable.
This is why I've designed a tour of Egypt's temples that differs from others, one that gives you time to wonder and wander. Because when it comes to these ancient sacred places there's a point where talking ceases and experience must take over. And Egypt's temples need to be experienced if they are to be understood in their original context. Like a sheet of blotting paper, one needs to soak up their energy.
So in this adventure we'll be walking in the footsteps of the gods who set up the foundation of the present temples over 12,000 years ago – an elite group of sages and magicians who returned after a global flood to resume an impressive temple-building culture. What drove their vision that led to the legacy we have today?
Among the plethora of goodies, we'll look at how restricted chambers such as those of Thutmosis III and Unas were designed for the highest initiation experience; the secrets of creating a portal written on Edfu's walls; the entry into the Otherworld at Saqqara; and what was really sealed in those 100-ton granite boxes inside the Serapeum?
We'll also gain special access inside two pyramids to experience the actual path once taken by initiates, and if permitted, a damn good meditation inside the mis-named Kings Chamber. Where you will certainly wander and wonder.
~ Freddy Silva
To see photos from our March, 2022 Egypt journey, see our Flickr album.
Photos on this page courtesy of participant AnneMarie Martins.
You will be driven from Cairo airport to the palatial Mena House Hotel where you will be welcomed with a drink and stunning views of the Great Pyramids. The remainder of your day is for relaxing and re-energizing.
(Overnight in Cairo at the Mena House Hotel or similar)
Start the day correctly, with a visit to the Sphinx enclosure and the Valley Temple, an austere and megalithic complex used as a preparatory area for the pyramids. After lunch in the desert overlooking the pyramids, a camel ride across the Giza plateau takes us to the Pyramid of Menkaure, the one that attracts the least attention and thus the repository of perhaps the biggest secret of the entire complex. Finish with a crawl into Khafre’s pyramid. Return to hotel for an evening at leisure.
(Overnight in Cairo at the Mena House Hotel or similar)
A bus ride to Saqqara, and short descend into the Pyramid of Unas, one of the best-preserved initiation chambers and home to the oldest texts outlining the process for accessing the Otherworld (and returning). We will then explore the mysterious underground Serapeum featuring 100-ton monolithic granite boxes of exquisite craftsmanship, once used to protect something very precious. After lunch we enter Saqqara proper, a vast site named for the god of rebirth, and home to the majestic step pyramid of Djoser, with free time to ponder over the day's events. Return to hotel, with an optional side excursion to the perfume house.
(Overnight in Cairo at the Mena House Hotel or similar)
We travel to Dahshur and enter the deep shafts of the elegant Bent Pyramid and its cunning geometry. Because we are gluttons for punishment we then descend into the interior passages of the adjacent Red Pyramid, which has the largest base of any pyramid in Egypt.
After a late lunch we depart Cairo Airport for our flight to Aswan, known for being Egypt’s strategic and commercial gateway since antiquity. We are in for a real treat as we transfer to our 5-star hotel for the next 3 nights ~ the legendary Old Cataract Hotel. This ravishing hotel with its legendary guest list of royals and dignitaries (think King Fouad entertaining Agatha Christie over cocktails), sits on a pink granite cliff overlooking the Nile and Elephantine Island.
(Overnight in Aswan at Old Cataract Hotel or similar)
After a relaxing breakfast at Old Cataract, we have free time to shop the market and visit the Papyrus Institute. After lunch, we take a short bus ride to Kom Ombu (because getting you out of this hotel in the morning will be fruitless). Kom Ombu is two temples, one dedicated to Horus, the other to Sobek. Each was used to raise the initiate’s awareness through specific tests. Here, they learned to control fear, and proved it by swimming with live crocodiles. Swimming gear mandatory.
(Overnight in Aswan at Old Cataract Hotel or similar)
Yet another dull breakfast on the patio overlooking the Nile. While a thousand tourists head to Philae, there’s an optional tour to Khnum Temple on Elephantine Island (where the Ark of the Covenant once resided), followed by a relaxing boat ride to the Nubian Village, to see how real people live. Just about everyone takes this option, probably for the chance to hold the unusual family pet.
As the hordes depart from Philae, we head to the island (superior tour planning requires observation and avoidance of crowds as much as possible). We share a packed lunch with a hundred cats, and then walk the temple in peace. Philae, or P-aaleq, is one of the eight original mounds established in the primeval age of the gods, it is a truly ancient site where the cosmic marriage of Osiris and Isis was consummated twice a year.
We sail back to the Old Cataract for dinner by the Nile, you poor thing.
(Overnight in Aswan at Old Cataract Hotel or similar)
Grudgingly we depart for Edfu. To avoid more crowds we go by bus and take a packed lunch, giving us the luxury a few quiet hours. The Edfu is one of the best preserved temples, thanks to the Greeks who rebuilt it, and in the process uncovered perhaps the most important prehistoric text detailing the activities of the gods and their point of origin. The site is dedicated to the offspring of the resurrected god-man Osiris: Horus or Heru, symbol of the path of the fully awakened initiate, and the root of ‘hero’.
A relaxing bus ride puts us in Luxor early evening.
(Overnight in Luxor at the Winter Palace Hotel or similar)
Morning is for exploring the sprawling open air Karnak complex, the axis mundi of Egyptian religious culture and the cult of Amun, with each pharaoh adding to or altering the site over thousands of years. It is a place for getting lost, but not before we try to get private access into the chapel of Ptah and Sekmet, as well as one of the most perfect buildings in the world, the chapel of Senwosret.
After lunch we take it easy: worship Ra in the Winter Palace’s formal garden and pool. Or the best gold and silver jewelry store, where your art of bartering will be sorely tested. We gather at twilight to visit Luxor Temple, best experienced when lit. Luxor encodes proportions derived from nature’s mathematics, hence why it looks and feels perfect.
You can then retire to the Winter Palace for dinner, or squeeze in an hour visit to the small but well provided Luxor Museum, worth it just for the busts of Akhenaten and the art of Amarna.
(Overnight in Luxor at the Winter Palace Hotel or similar)
A bus across the desert takes us to Abydos. After lunch and a swim, we spend the rest of the afternoon in the temple of Seti I to do personal work among the various frescoed chambers dedicated to the gods and their respective teachings. The highlight is a rare, two-hour private access into the Osirion, a megalithic chamber over 11000 years old, once mistaken for being underground, where the 17 Ways of the Gods were taught.
A five-minute walk returns us to the hotel for dinner, and to smoke shisha by the pool and relax, man.
(Overnight in Abydos at the House of Life Hotel or similar)
We drive to Dendera, or Enet Ta Neter, the House of the God, and eat a packed lunch in the shade. In addition to the beautifully preserved frescoes, astronomical ceilings and Hathor pillars is a replica of the spiral zodiac, unique in that it is centered on the Age of Cancer, thus placing the original site in the epoch of 8000 BC.
After bribing the local police escort, we scurry across the desert to Luxor West Bank and the luxurious Al Moudira Hotel. An oasis of grace and elegance, Al Moudira sits within a garden of lemon, orange, mandarin, mango, guava and palm trees, with hibiscus, eucalyptus, jasmine and henna lining the brick paths. Relax in the pool or the Turkish Bath, or book a massage. Or just eat al fresco in the fountain courtyard resembling Marrakesh in 1902.
(Overnight in Luxor West Bank Al Moudira Hotel or similar)
Once we prize you away from breakfast in the courtyard, it’s a short ride to Valley of the Kings. We will (hopefully) gain access to the anomalous chamber of Thutmosis III (we are often allowed this a rare privilege). You see, no one was buried here and the walls feature instructions on how to access the Otherworld and return alive. We’ll then visit a real tomb with exquisite depictions of the life of a pharaoh.
After a brief visit to the alabaster factory, we have lunch on a covered verandah, followed by a short drive to Hatshepsut temple, a masterpiece of architecture where the hill looks like its giving birth to the temple.
Finally, we’ll squeeze in Djanet Temple, a bit off the tourist trail, because it is where eight of the primeval gods of Egypt are buried. Few come here, I don’t know why, this is one of the most important places on Earth.
Return to Al Moudira for relaxation in the Arabian Night atmosphere, sip mint tea or a cocktail in the eastern bar. Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman just out of shot.
(Overnight in Luxor West Bank at the Al Moudira Hotel or similar)
To complete our adventure, we fly back to Cairo early, freshen up at Mena House and prepare for one of the greatest experiences in life: We finally enter the Great Pyramid in private, the prize for every initiate who completed training along the Nile temples. We ascend the Grand Gallery, follow in the footsteps of countless initiates and gods, into the Kings Chamber, completing our ascension (literally and metaphorically) with a guided meditation. Who knows what will pop out of those megalithic red granite walls.
We close our adventure with a good meal at Mena House, overlooking the pyramids, where we can share stories. And bid each other au revoir, because in the ancient world there is no such thing as goodbye.
(Overnight in Cairo at the Mena House Hotel or similar)
One final breakfast before transferring to Cairo International airport.