Maya Master Teacher Miguel Angel studied for 17 years with Mayan elder and wisdom keeper, Don Vincente Martin, and teaches seminars in Mexico and abroad on Mayan shamanism, tradition, and culture.
MOREDiscover lasting happiness and realize your dreams on this journey to important Toltec and Mayan sacred sites in the Yucatan with Maya Master Teacher Miguel Angel Vergara.
We are now in a time of manifestation, and once we discover who we are and why we are here we can find true, lasting happiness, fulfill our potential and make a meaningful contribution to our planet. On this sacred journey to Mexico we will follow in the footsteps of Quetzalcoatl, known in the Toltec wisdom as the Precious Serpent, and KuKuulKaan, one of the Maya Masters of Light, known in the Maya tradition as the Feathered Serpent. We will visit Mayan sacred sites including Chichen Itza, captivating museums, enjoy participating in ceremonies and guided meditations. READ MORE
Maya Master Teacher Miguel Angel studied for 17 years with Mayan elder and wisdom keeper, Don Vincente Martin, and teaches seminars in Mexico and abroad on Mayan shamanism, tradition, and culture.
MOREMiguel is a masterful guide and his tours always run on oiled wheels, with Helen, Trudy and J.J. helping to make us feel like a special family group.Serah Roer & Tyhson Banighen, Tappen, BC
Tour Description
Discover your potential on this journey to important Toltec sacred sites near Mexico City as well as important Mayan sacred sites in the Yucatan, Mexico, with Maya Master Teacher Miguel Angel Vergara. We are now in a time of manifestation, and once we discover who we are and why we are here we can find true, lasting happiness, realize our dreams and make a meaningful contribution to our planet.
To achieve this, we will be working with the Serpent, a powerful symbol throughout Mexico. It represents the Sacred Knowledge of the Ancient Ones, knowledge that is missing from today’s busy world. On our journey this year we will follow in the footsteps of Quetzalcoatl, known in the Toltec wisdom as the Precious Serpent, and KuKuulKaan, one of the Maya Masters of Light, known in the Maya tradition as the Feathered Serpent. We will immerse ourselves in the legends surrounding these two Universal Teachers, connect to their powerful energy on the land they walked and among the temples and pyramids they created, and, as we walk through the ancient sites with them, our goal is to reconnect with their wisdom and learn how to apply it to the opportunities and challenges facing us today.
We begin our journey in Mexico City where Quetzalcoatl lived in ancient times. We will visit his birthplace Tepoztlan, as well as Teotihuacan, where the Temple of Quetzalcoatl is dedicated to this Feathered Serpent. Legend has it that Quetzalcoatl went to Tula (which is an ancient name for the mythical Atlantis) where he worked on his teachings and built four pyramids dedicated to the four elements: earth, air, water and fire. The story then tells us of his fall from grace: he was tempted and, losing his consciousness, he succumbed to the abuse of alcohol and sex and abandoned Tula. Quetzalcoatl redeemed himself by travelling around Mexico and Veracruz building temples and sharing his teachings. Little by little he restored his powers and arrived one day in the area of Minatitlan fully recovered and fully in his sacred power. It was here, legend tells us, that he set himself on fire and became the Planet Venus.
At the very same time that Quetzalcoatl left the planet, KuKuulKaan was seen coming from the west to the land of the Maya in the Yucatan. Quetzalcoatl, now known as KuKuulKaan, came to Mayapan where he taught the Maya people Science, Art, Philosophy and Mathematics. He travelled all around the area, to Chichen Itza, Mayapan, Labna, and more, sharing his teachings with the Maya people. When his mission was completed, when his work with his disciples was done, he travelled to the Gulf of Mexico near Champoton, Campeche, set himself on fire and returned to the Planet Venus.
We will also explore three important and fascinating museums: the Museo Nacional de Antropología in Mexico City, the fabulous new El Gran Museo del Mundo Maya in Mérida, and the Plantación Tikul & Ecomuseo del Cacao near Labna.
Accompanying us on our journey and helping us in our quest to understand this ancient knowledge will be Miguel Angel Vergara, our guide to the Sacred Maya Wisdom. Miguel Angel will lead us in sacred rituals, and share the wisdom of the ancients he has gathered through his in-depth studies and vast experiences. He will lead us in practices, meditations and ceremonies to help us make our own personal connections with the ancients and discover our potential.
Our Maya Sacred Path program is a series of journeys which began in 2005 and continues to offer programs for serious students who wish to evolve a deeper awareness of the true Mayan teachings and bring these lessons into their day-to-day lives. As we look forward to the next phase in the future of our planet and our own lives, it is time for us to discover and commit to our own personal role in creating a new era for humankind and our planet Earth.
Messages from Miguel Angel Vergara:
On our journey, we will be applying the 13 Principles of KuKuulKaan. These principles teach that we are not alone, that everything is interconnected, we are one with the universe; We will learn that everything is vibration and it is through vibration that we are connected. KuKuulKaan also talks of the need to connect with the 4 Kingdoms, and on the journey I will lead us in meditations and practices to do that, to connect with the spirits of the air, earth, water, and fire. Read Miguel’s full message on our blog.
I have been a disciple of KuKuulKaan, the Feathered Serpent, from the first time I encountered him at Chichen Itza over 30 years ago. The Serpent, representing the Sacred Knowledge of the Ancient Ones, is a powerful symbol throughout Mexico. In Central Mexico, including Jalisco where I was born and raised, he was known as Quetzalcoatl. Read more from Miguel Angel about Quetzalcoatl-KuKuulKaan here.
You will be met by our guide at the Mexico City airport and transferred to the hotel. Time to relax and prepare yourself for the powerful journey of self-discovery ahead. As some travellers will be arriving in the evening we will save our introductions and briefing for the following morning.
(Overnight in Mexico City)
This morning we meet our fellow travellers and tour leaders. We will then have breakfast together in the hotel before travelling the short distance outside Mexico City to Tepoztlan and Amatlan. According to legend Tepoztlan is the birthplace of Quetzalcoatl, and the place where he underwent his inner transformation, where he began his journey to fully realize his potential as a great teacher. The Tepozteco Mountain dominates views from Tepoztlán and it is here where, like Quetzalcoatl, we will receive the ancient energy and gather our resources to step out on our journey to become all we can be. Our Welcome Lunch today will be in the charming town of Amatlan where we will also have an opportunity to discover the spiritually-focused shops before returning to our hotel in Mexico City.
This evening we enjoy a lecture by Miguel Angel illuminating the connection between Quetzalcoatl and KuKuulKaan, and how their story can help us on our own sacred journey:
In this lecture Miguel Angel will give you some of the history of Quetzalcoatl including the origin of his name (ZE-AKATL-TOPILTZIN-QUETZALCOATL) and his connection with the mythical Atlantis. He will discuss his life and his sacred teachings cumulating in the story of his ascension as the Planet Venus. Quetzalcoatl was known as the Precious Serpent with Quetzal Feathers and Miguel Angel will talk about the symbolism of this title. Preparing us for our visit to the Yucatan, he will also tell us about the Divine Twins: Quetzalcoatl & KuKuulKaan and how they are connected. There will time for questions and answers.
(Overnight in Mexico City)
After breakfast this morning we travel to one of the most important sites on our journey: Teotihuacan. Here, we will start our process of remembering and truly seeing who we are. Guided by Miguel Angel, we will walk in a sacred manner along the Avenue of the Dead, past the temples representing our different Chakras, until we arrive at the Pyramid of the Moon. The pyramid represents our brain, our Mother, and our direct connection with the Moon. From here we descend to the area of the Heart, to the Pyramid of the Sun. Teotihuacan was the place where, according to the legends, the Fifth Sun was created, and its name means “The Place Where Men Become Gods”.
Teotihuacan is where we open up and connect with the Masters of Light who are still here and can help us recognize that we are one with the Divine. One of the reasons Teotihuacan is so important is because we will feel the presence of Quetzalcoatl/KuKuulKaan here with us, especially at the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, the third largest pyramid at Teotihuacan with representations of the Feathered Serpent covering its sides.
Following lunch we will return for our last evening in Mexico City. We can use our free time to explore the city or meditate on the beginnings of our connection with Quetzalcoatl/KuKuulKaan and what we have learned about our calling and who we are.
(Overnight in Mexico City)
After breakfast we check out of our hotel in preparation for our journey to the land of the Maya. We start with a visit to the Museo Nacional de Antropología, which has an area especially dedicated to the Maya. There are some very special and sacred pieces here from the Maya world, and Miguel Angel will lead us in an exercise to open up to the energy and feel the frequencies and vibrations in this unique museum. Here you will be able to feel that these pieces continue to vibrate with the Mayan spirits – they are more than just stone, they are alive. This museum visit is the first step towards our next process, which takes us to the Yucatan and the Feathered Serpent, KuKuulKaan.
This afternoon we fly to Mérida, Yucatan to continue our journey, now with the teachings of KuKuulKaan. Our hotel is in the Historical Centre of this Spanish Colonial city. You will be near free entertainment, banks, shopping, and restaurants, and it is only a short walk to the Main Square, a beautiful park in the middle of a busy and safe city. In ancient times it was a thriving Maya centre called ICH KAAN ZIHO, “They were born into the Face of the Sun”. When the Spanish arrived they destroyed the five pyramids and used the stones to build the Cathedral and the other buildings surrounding the plaza. Today the energy of these stones helps keep this place vibrant and alive.
Tonight, enjoy a free evening in Mérida. Take in the local music, savour the delicious cuisine and immerse yourself in the culture.
(Overnight in Mérida)
For our first morning in the Yucatan we will visit the main site where KuKuulKaan shared his teachings with the Maya people: Mayapan. Mayapan means the “Flag of the Maya”, but it also symbolizes the link with the One force, the Solar Logos or Christic energy. It is the third force, the force between the positive and the negative, between Chichen Itza and Uxmal, between Father and Mother.
In the legends it is said that KuKuulKaan stayed here in Mayapan for a very long time, until his work was done and it was time for him to return to the Planet Venus. Mayapan is a beautiful site; it may not be large, but it is filled with powerful temples and pyramids. Here Miguel Angel will lead us in Ceremony and guide us through the site explaining many of the important structures and carvings and sharing more of his knowledge of KuKuulKaan.
This site still has a pyramid you can climb and there will be some free time for you to explore on your own before we leave for a late lunch and return to Mérida.
Today’s lecture by Miguel Angel:
In this talk Miguel Angel will tell us of the arrival in the Mayab (Yucatan) of KuKuulKaan. He will also explain the alliance of Chichen Itza, Uxmal and Mayapan and how they are connected with the three forces of the universe. KuKuulKaan spent a great deal of his time at Mayapan “The Shield of Light” where we visited today. Miguel Angel will share some of the teachings of KuKuulKaan in Mayapan and all the Cosmic Universities of Yucatan, pointing out the temples and pyramids dedicated to him at these sites. He will also share the last cosmic message of KuKuulKaan in the Mayalands. There will be time for questions and answers.
(Overnight in Mérida)
This morning after breakfast we head out early to visit the amazing site of Chichen Itza, probably the most famous of all the Maya sites.
“Chichen Itza is called the City of KuKuulKaan and is dedicated to the Pleiades Constellation through the symbol of the Serpent which is connected to the Pleiades.
The Pyramid was dedicated to the Serpent as a cosmic symbol and also to KuKuulKaan the teacher who taught the Maya how to connect in perfect balance with all the different kinds of knowledge: Science, Art, Philosophy and Religion. Chichen Itza is connected deeply with Science, but it is Science with Love, Science and Technology united with intuition.” – Miguel Angel Vergara.
Miguel Angel will lead us through Chichen Itza and we will perform a special tribute to KuKuulKaan at his pyramid. There will be time for you to explore a little on your own before our late lunch and return to Mérida. Enjoy another free evening in Mérida, and let the wisdom of the past few days sink into your mind and body.
(Overnight in Mérida)
Following breakfast we travel to the Maya site of Labna where Miguel Angel will lead us in a Ceremony and then a sacred walk through the site.
“Labna means in Maya: ‘The Walls of the Wisdom of the Mother’. This Ceremonial Centre is connected with the Cosmic Knowledge of the Calendars. In the sacred glyphs found carved in the walls we can see symbols of the constellations, the sun, the moon, Venus, the stars, the Sacred Caduceus of Mercury and others that are still being studied.” – Miguel Angel Vergara.
We will walk along the Sac Be (Maya for White Road) to what is probably one of the most beautiful Mayan arches found on any site. Its elegance, ornamentation and architectural perfection raise the consciousness of all who visit this site. As we walk through the arch we need to take a moment to connect with the high energetic frequencies. We will also see the Observatory at Labna where the Maya, through the Sacred Cosmic Knowledge of KuKuulKaan, “The Serpent in the Cosmos”, opened their Chakras to receive the messages from the Stars.
Our next stop is a real treat, the Plantación Tikul & Ecomuseo del Cacao. Chocolate was used in ceremony in ancient Maya times and here, at this well thought-out museum, we will see how it is grown, how it is processed, how it was used, and we will even get an opportunity to see how it tastes!
(Overnight in Mérida)
This morning Miguel Angel will walk you through the new El Gran Museo del Mundo Maya in Mérida. This small but impressive museum includes four permanent exhibition rooms, a temporary exhibition space as well as a large screen cinematographic projection room.
With a collection of over 500 pieces you will have an opportunity to experience objects and textures that were part of daily life for the Mayans, and gain a new level of knowledge of the Maya world. Miguel Angel will also be able to interpret objects for us, providing extra detail and answering our many questions.
The afternoon is free for shopping, relaxing and enjoying our final day in Mérida. We are now near the end of our journey of self-discovery in this land of ancient wisdom, and are closer to understanding those questions that we brought with us – Who am I?; Why am I here?; What is my purpose on this planet?. Take some time this afternoon to explore answers, spend a few moments with your journals, remembering things you noticed and learned on the Sacred Path of Quetzalcoatl-Kukuulkaan – the sites, energies, feelings.
This evening we will gather one last time for our Farewell Dinner. As we savour the delicious food and warm company, we can share our experiences of the sacred sites we have visited, the wisdom we have learned and the changes within us that we have felt. We relish being in the company of our tour leader Miguel Angel for one final evening, knowing how instrumental he has been in our journey of self-discovery in the land of the Toltec and Maya – a journey that has also shown us a wealth of culture, history and sacred knowledge.
(Overnight in Mérida)
Transfer to the airport in Mérida for your flight home, returning with profound memories, an abundance of knowledge and wisdom and a clearer sense of your purpose on this planet.