Maya Master Teacher Miguel Angel studied for 17 years with Mayan elder and wisdom keeper, Don Vincente Martin, and teaches seminars in Mexico and abroad on Mayan shamanism, tradition, and culture.
MOREJoin us for a once-in-a-lifetime experience to connect with the complementary wisdom teachings of the Maya and the Inca at key sacred sites in Yucatan & Campeche, Mexico.
On this journey you will have a unique opportunity to work with two incredibly gifted and generous teachers, Miguel Angel Vergara from Yucatan, Mexico and Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta from Cusco, Peru. Through wisdom teachings, intimate gatherings, and visits to transformative sacred sites, you will learn about the major similarities and common root of these two ancient cultures, the Maya and the Inca. Key sites to be visited include: Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Mayapan, Edzna & more. READ MORE
Maya Master Teacher Miguel Angel studied for 17 years with Mayan elder and wisdom keeper, Don Vincente Martin, and teaches seminars in Mexico and abroad on Mayan shamanism, tradition, and culture.
MOREJhaimy Alvarez-Acosta is a respected Andean wisdom keeper, traditional healer, and spiritual guide from Peru. He supports people in moving past their limitations to connect with their heart and true purpose.
MOREThe best part was being with and learning from such an advanced being as Miguel, I feel very honoured to have met him and been able to spend so much time with him.Jane Stipe, Severn, MD
I’ve had the privilege of working with several shaman and healers from around the world. None surpass the wisdom, love and innate healing skills of Jhaimy Alvarez- Acosta.Chip Duncan, Documentary Filmmaker
Tour Description
This journey will highlight the unique world-view of the Maya and will explore how the Inca shared these complementary teachings within the respective cosmologies, sacred totems, and temple builders of these two great civilizations.
Your tour leaders, Miguel Angel, from Yucatan, Mexico and Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta, from Cusco, Peru will reunite and weave together the wisdom teachings symbolized by the Quetzal and the Condor through the honouring of a shared world-view which, at its core, celebrates a deep reverence for Mother Earth.
We will learn more about how both the Maya and the Inca honoured the natural cycles of time within nature including the Solstices and Equinoxes through the ceremonies and temples that were intricately constructed. Both Miguel and Jhaimy will take the time each day to give a spiritual context to the specific energy and purpose of the sacred temples we will be visiting and how these wisdom teachings can be applied to our individual lives both within our families and our communities.
Your journey begins at the important site of Mayapan with an Opening Ceremony and wisdom teachings, followed by an evening gathering with your tour leaders. This will be a rare opportunity to have exclusive time with both teachers: you can ask questions, set your intention, and explore the overarching themes of the journey together with fellow participants. From Mayapan you will travel to Uxmal to learn more about the Sacred Feminine, and on to a special cave at Oxkintok representing the womb of Mother Earth, where we will be joined by local Maya priest Don Miguelito.
This is followed by a full day of workshops, including ceremonies and meditations, with Jhaimy and Miguel Angel at a beautiful secluded beach in Campeche to help you absorb the sacred experiences and integrate the wisdom teachings. You will then journey to the impressive site of Edzna before continuing on to Chichen Itza for a full day of exploration. We will return again to Chichen Itza the following day to see the sun rise, and will then travel to Izamal for our Closing Ceremony and Farewell Lunch.
You will be met at Mérida airport and transferred to your hotel in the Historical Centre of Mérida. No events or meals are planned for today since people often arrive late in the evening.
(Overnight in Mérida at El Conquistador Hotel or similar)
Breakfast together to meet your Tour Leaders and fellow travellers then we head out to the Maya site of Mayapan for our Opening Ceremony. In the Maya language, Mayapan means “The Shield of the Maya”. The shield represents the cosmic wisdom that came to the Maya from Father Sun, “K’in”, to activate in themselves the truth, the wisdom from the stars. When Chichen Itza, Uxmal, and Mayapan were together as Cosmic Cities, they reinforced the connection with the Mysteries of the Cosmic Serpent KuKuulKaan. This great teacher spent his last days at this Ceremonial Centre of Mayapan. Together these three great cities represent the three spiritual forces found in every Creation: Father, Mother, and Son; or proton, neutron, electron; or positive, negative, and neutral. The great “Aura” of Light and Wisdom from Mayapan will enlighten your personal Sacred Path.
Following our Opening Ceremony and brief tour of the site you will have some time on your own to explore before we join together for a special Welcome Lunch and then travel back to Mérida. This evening we gather for an intimate evening of wisdom teachings with Miguel Angel and Jhaimy. Our tour leaders will explore the similarities and common roots of their respective cultures, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions and participate in fascinating conversations.
(Overnight in Mérida at El Conquistador Hotel or similar)
Breakfast together, then check out of our hotel, and travel to the Maya site of Uxmal. At Uxmal the Ancient Ones revered and honoured the Sacred Feminine, the Sacred Earth, Mother Nature, with the names of: Ix’Cheel: Mother Rainbow, Mother of Life, Mother of Medicine, Mother Nature, and, Ix’Mukane: Heart of the Earth, Heart of the Underworld, Grandmother, Mother who transmutes with great love and compassion for all humankind. The Sacred Feminine University of Uxmal was built in a magical way by the old woman and the little child representing the Force of the Mother and the Force of the Son. The chronicles say that in that time there were special people with extraordinary powers who showed the Maya other realities or realms of consciousness. Uxmal was the “City of Kindness of Mother Moon” where the Shamanic gifts were taught to the Maya by the Great Mother Earth.
Following a tour with explanations by our leaders you will have time to explore this incredible site on your own. Lunch is on your own so you can take your time and return to the “real” world when you are ready. We will then check into our Uxmal hotel after which we can enjoy a lovely dinner together.
(Overnight in Uxmal at the Uxmal Resort Maya or similar)
Following breakfast and checking out of the hotel we travel the short distance to a very special cave. Joining us will be a local priest/shaman, Don Miguelito, who is known for his vast knowledge of healing plants, for a Maya ceremony. The Cave represents the womb of Mother Earth. Its meaning goes deep to connect our consciousness with the level of the Underworld, known to the Maya as: Bolontiku, which means “Nine Lords in One” or “The Nine Layers of Consciousness”, and is “The Place Where Fire Transforms the Essences of Humankind.”
The Cave holds the Mother’s Sacred Energy and when we have our ceremony here the Forces of the Underneath Sun awaken our own inner Sun, bringing us to a new level of consciousness. Our body symbolically is the Earth and we must take care of it like a Temple, love and respect it as we do our Planet. Being actively conscious of how fortunate they were to live on this Planet the Maya performed great Ceremonies in this Cave, to say to Mother Earth: “Thank you, Mother”. Following our experience in the Cave we will travel to our hotel located on a pristine beach which will be our home for the next two nights.
(Overnight at the Tucan Si-ho Playa Resort or similar)
Midway through our journey together we will have the time to reflect, integrate, and discuss what we have experienced up until this point together at our beautiful, secluded beach-side location. During our time at Tucan Siho Playa Jhaimy will share with us a deeper understanding of the Andean Cosmo-Vision and Chakana teachings connected to the trilogy of the Serpent (Mind), Puma (Body), and Condor (Soul). He will also highlight a number of important sacred temples in the Andes and how the complementary energies of those temples relate to the Mayan temples that we will have been connecting and working with on this journey. There will be guided meditation, ceremony, and teachings woven throughout this day and evening as we integrate the experiences and sacred knowledge from both the Inca and the Maya.
(Overnight at the Tucan Si-ho Playa Resort or similar)
Today we have breakfast together, check out, then travel to the Maya site of Edzna. One of the Maya meanings for the city of Edzna is: “The House of the Sacred Vibrations”. That is because, in this old Acropolis, the Maya performed great rituals with the use of Sacred Mantras to call the Divinities from the Sky. Edzna has a great plaza with an amazing Palace, facing the west cardinal point, where you can still appreciate the elliptic of the sunset and see this Pink Palace showing through the reflections of light and shadow when the light of the sun is on the Palace. Following our visit to Edzna we will travel on to our hotel at Chichen Itza stopping on the way for lunch.
(Overnight in Chichen Itza at the Hotel Mayaland or similar)
We start with breakfast and then have the full day to explore the amazing site of Chichen Itza. It is easy walking distance from the hotel so no bus today. Chichen Itza is the Cosmic Maya University in the land of the Mayab, where students, initiates, and most importantly, Maya teachers were educated as “Disciples of the Stars”, to perfectly balance Science, Art, Philosophy, and Religion.
Here the Maya built the great Pyramid of KuKuulKaan with all the functions to work as a Cosmic Clock with the Maya Calendars who had all the knowledge to register the passing of time and space. The most amazing ceremonies were performed here at Chichen Itza for the Equinoxes and Solstices. The four great Grandparents from the Pleiades: Balam Kitze, Balam Akab, Mahakutah, and Ik’i Balam, came here to help, with their wisdom, to situate the KuKuulKaan Pyramid in relation with the “Rattle Snake Constellation”, now called the Pleiades Constellation. The 7 Suns of Pleiades were represented at the moment of the Equinoxes with the descent of KuKuulKaan to the Earth and we can still see, during the Equinox, in the north façade the seven triangles of light and shadow descend making this special and spiritual time-space connection between Chichen Itza and the Pleiades Constellation.
Chichen Itza had priests and priestesses with high spiritual development who taught throughout the Maya lands. They taught Astronomy, Art, the Philosophical meaning of the words, the secrets of the knowledge held inside the hieroglyphs, cycles of agriculture with the moon and the Planet Venus, and the great eras of humankind in cycles of 5,125 years, called the Long Account Calendar. You can spend as much time at the site as you like. It closes at 5:00pm and we will meet for dinner at 7:00pm.
(Overnight in Chichen Itza at the Hotel Mayaland or similar)
We have an early start with a special visit to Chichen Itza to enjoy the sunrise. We then return to the hotel for breakfast and check out before travelling to Izamal for a Closing Ceremony and Farewell Lunch. Izamal is called the “City of the Dew of the Sky” because it was dedicated to the great Master Teacher Itzamna whose name meant “The Dew of the Sky”. Master Itzamna came with a select group of people from ancient Atlantis to the Land of the Mayab. Mayab means “the land of the chosen ones”. They were the ones selected to come to live in a new country to expand all possibilities in Science, Art, Philosophy, Rituals, and Calendars guided by the wise hand of Itzamna, “Great Father of Wisdom”.
Izamal is an important city where ancient memories through legends and ceremonies attract thousands of people at the summer and winter solstices to connect again with the spirit of Father Itzamna through sacred ceremonies. The legends said that when Itzamna died, in reality he didn’t, and his spirit is still in each stone, pyramid, stela, temple, and well. Itzamna left his legacy to the Maya and our humanity through the great knowledge written in the pages of the Maya Codex. We will have our closing ceremony here in Izamal followed by a Farewell Lunch. We then return to Mérida for your last night on the journey.
(Overnight in Mérida at El Conquistador Hotel or similar)
Today you will be transferred to Mérida airport for flights home.
(B = Breakfast; L = Lunch; D = Dinner)
Note: This itinerary is subject to change due to conditions beyond our control.