Renowned spiritual teacher, healer, and author, Dr. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D. has been teaching, giving lectures, workshops, and private sessions for over 20 years. He is the author of Eye of the Lotus and I Can Relate.
MOREJoin us on a life-changing journey to the Yucatan in Mexico that will work in greater depth on awakening the chakras and the essence of our true selves through visits to 7 key Maya sites.
The 7 Maya sites that we will visit to do this work have been chosen for their connection to a specific chakra. These sacred sites will also be our teachers, and if we listen with our whole being we will hear the ancient Maya wisdom that is available to us here. The sites include Uxmal, Chichen Itza, Chakmultun, Labna, Xlapak, Sayil, Sta. Elena, and others. Our tour guides will lead us in ceremonies and meditations at the different sites to connect with the energy present there, and will also present discussions, stories, and lectures on the Maya Prophecies. READ MORE
Renowned spiritual teacher, healer, and author, Dr. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D. has been teaching, giving lectures, workshops, and private sessions for over 20 years. He is the author of Eye of the Lotus and I Can Relate.
MOREMaya Master Teacher Miguel Angel studied for 17 years with Mayan elder and wisdom keeper, Don Vincente Martin, and teaches seminars in Mexico and abroad on Mayan shamanism, tradition, and culture.
MOREI know I have changed, I can feel it, there has been a shift in me as I've reconnected with myself and source and feel clarity and calmness. Amanda Turner, Scotland
Tour Description
Balancing the Male and Female Forces is the first of two journeys offered in 2007 in our Maya Sacred Path to 2012 program. This is a tour series that will be offered each year leading up to 2012, the end of the Maya calendar. Each program is created to help you prepare for and deal with the many changes and shifts happening in the world around you. Working in the sacred land of the Maya, learning their ceremonies and practicing their rituals, we will attempt to balance our inner male and female forces through the clearing of our Chakras.
There are seven major chakras and each one has its own specific aspects affecting perception in this dimension. In this program we will focus on balancing and awakening the seven chakras on their physical level. The seven Maya sites that we will visit to do this work have been chosen for their connection to a specific chakra. These sacred sites will also be our teachers, and if we listen with our whole being we will hear the ancient Maya wisdom that is available to us here.
After our first night in Merida, we will travel to the Puuc Region and the ancient Maya site of Uxmal, which will be our base for 4 nights. We will explore many mysteries at the site of Uxmal - the Pyramid of the Magician, the Temple of Venus, the Ball Court and Governor's Palace, considered by many to be the most beautiful of the ancient Maya structures. From Uxmal we will visit the ancient Maya sites of Chakmultun, Labnah, Xlapak, Sayil, Sta. Elena, Kabah, finishing back at Uxmal to complete our work for this journey. At Chichen Itza, we will swim in the rejuvenating waters of the Ik'il cenote, a sacred Maya pool connected underground to the site of Chichen Itza. We will return here later at night for a special candle lit ceremony with shaman Don Florencio. Our last day in Merida is Sunday where you can enjoy the Sunday markets and entertainment of Merida en Domingo.
Master Maya Teacher Miguel Angel Vergara will focus on the roots of the Maya prophecies for 2012 with their beginnings in Lemuria and Atlantis. Miguel Angel will use meditation, stories, legends, rituals, mantras, and ceremonies to help us complete this phase of our work.
Throughout the program we will be participating in Maya rituals and ceremonies with Miguel Angel. Joining us for some of these ceremonies will be local shamans who will also help guide us and heal us, on our journey. Miguel Angel will lecture on The Maya Prophecies: Connection with Lemuria and Atlantis.
This is a life-changing journey that will work in greater depth on awaking the chakras and the essence of our true selves. Please join us on this transformational journey – but please book early to avoid disappointment. Also please note that it is not required that you commit to every year in the program, you may join us for one or more tours as you please. Each tour is a stand-alone program.
Arrive in Merida and transfer to your hotel in the historic center of Merida. Since many of you will be coming on the Continental flight from Houston which arrives after nine at night we will have the introductions tomorrow morning.
(Overnight Hotel Mision Merida)
Travel to the Puuc Region and the ancient Maya site of Uxmal. Participate in our opening ceremony where Miguel Angel will call in the four directions and ask the Maya spirits for permission to enter their sites and protection for us during our journey through their sacred lands.
Enjoy exploring the many mysteries of the site of Uxmal. Listen, as we sit at the base of the Pyramid of the Magician, while Miguel Angel tells us the legend of how Uxmal was created out of the mists by a dwarf, hatched from an egg. Visit the Temple of Venus. Meditate in the Nunnery Quadrangle after Miguel Angel explains some of the symbolism in these richly decorated buildings. Walk through the ball court and then climb up to the Governor’s Palace, considered by many to be the most beautiful of the ancient Maya structures. Climb to the top of the Grand Pyramid for a bird’s eye view of this incredible site.
(Overnight Hotel Mision Uxmal)
Travel through the rich fertile lands of southern Yucatan to the town of Oxcutzcab. The market here is famous for their mountains of fruit on display. This fruit is grown locally and in November it is citrus season so you will see huge piles of lemons, limes, grapefruit and many different kinds of oranges.
Not far from Oxcutzcab is the Maya site of Chakmultun. This out-of-the-way site is where we will start our work by cleansing the first, or ‘root’, Chakra. Joining us at Chakmultun is Maya shaman Don Jose. We first create a circle in the shaded area in front of the main temple, then Don Jose, with the help of Miguel Angel, will work with us individually and as a group to balance and cleanse our energy, and heal us on many levels. Don Jose’s work is quite profound.
Join us for a group session this evening. This is your opportunity to ask questions and share your experiences of the day with our group leaders.
(Overnight Hotel Mision Uxmal)
(Photo: HJPD, Wikimedia Commons)
Travel to the Maya site of Labnah where we will walk along a Sac Be (white road) and through a beautifully decorated Maya arch. Miguel Angel will lead us in meditations and rituals to help balance and cleanse the second or ‘sacral’ chakra at this ancient Maya site.
Xlapak and the Third Chakra
We visit the site of Xlapak for the work on the third Chakra. Participate in meditations and ritual led by Miguel Angel to help us clear and balance the third, or ‘solar plexus’ Chakra.
Sayil and the Fourth Chakra
Move next to the site of Sayil with its beautiful palace for work on the fourth or ‘heart’ chakra. Participate in some special heart opening exercises.
Sta. Elena and the Fifth Chakra
For our work on the sixth or ‘throat’ Chakra we go to a completely different and very special Maya site. Sta. Elena is a Catholic church built on the base of a Maya temple. This is a truly unique experience.
(Overnight Hotel Mision Uxmal)
Climb the ancient stone steps at Kabah to view the wall of Chaak masks. Chaak is the Maya Lord of the Rain. Then follow the path to the Maya Arch where, with meditations and rituals led by Richard and Miguel Angel, we will work to balance and cleanse the sixth chakra, the ‘third eye’.
Uxmal and the Seventh Chakra:
This is the final Chakra to clear. The seventh or ‘crown’ Chakra completes this part of our work and we have returned to Uxmal, where we started, to do this.
Join Miguel Angel this evening for his lecture: The Maya Prophecies: Connection with Lemuria and Atlantis
(Overnight Hotel Mision Uxmal)
Say goodbye to the hilly Puuc region as we travel now to Chichen Itza. Swim in the refreshing waters of the Ik’il cenote, a sacred Maya pool connected underground to the site of Chichen Itza. Enjoy lunch at their excellent buffet and then check in to the hotel for a little rest.
Return to Ik’il for a private candle lit ceremony. Miguel Angel will lead us in the Maya ritual along with shaman Don Florencio. We will receive a Maya blessing from the shaman to complete the work we have done over the last week.
(Overnight Villas Archeological Chichen)
We have the whole morning to visit the site of Chichen Itza with Miguel Angel. Have a look at the Observatory where the Maya studied the stars, visit the ball court, the sacred cenotes, and the pyramid of Kukulkan.
We will enjoy a special farewell lunch at the Hacienda Chichen before we head back to Merida.
(Overnight Hotel Mision Merida)
It is Sunday and your free day in Merida. Enjoy the markets and Sunday entertainment of Merida en Domingo. The streets in the center of the city are closed to traffic and there is a craft fair, food vendors and lots of entertainment. This is the time to shop for gifts and to relax and enjoy the local flavor of Merida.
(Overnight Hotel Mision Merida)
Transfer to the Merida airport for your flight home.