Jaisri M. Lambert has been practicing and teaching natural therapies since 1983. She has developed a deep knowledge of classical Ayurveda and loves to share this ancient healing wisdom.
MOREDo you feel called to participate in this unique and inspired journey of self-healing with Ayurveda at the restorative Vaidyagrama Ayurveda Healing Village, Coimbatore, India?
Are you ready to let go and surrender to the healing, turn your mind inwards and stay in tune with the healing process? This unique program has come together to support western participants in an eastern context, learning by studying, self-healing and meditating in a traditional setting. You will enjoy personal consultations with onsite physicians and discussion with Jaisri M. Lambert to ensure the best possible healing program for you. You can choose a 41-day or 21-day program option, and also attend the 5th International Conference on Ayurveda if desired. READ MORE
Jaisri M. Lambert has been practicing and teaching natural therapies since 1983. She has developed a deep knowledge of classical Ayurveda and loves to share this ancient healing wisdom.
MOREThis place is amazing. It's very, very uplifting. Astounding. More than I thought it could be. It's a total lifestyle laid down in the sutras (medical scriptures).S. Morgan, Aptos, CA
I received so much here, far more than I expected and feel so grateful. I'm planning to return next year, too. Fullness remains ever full!L. Robertson, Pittsburg, CA
This program is for those who feel ready to take the time to go more deeply within for Ayurvedic learning, rejuvenation, strengthening and cleansing. This unique program has come together to support western participants in an eastern context, learning by living, studying, self-healing and meditating in a traditional setting.
The programs take place at the Vaidyagrama Ayurveda Healing Village, Coimbatore, India, and each participant will be assigned a unique program according to local physician assessment. Individualized Panchakarma programs are intended to bring both physical and spiritual benefits of cleansing and rejuvenation. Though your journey is individual, the group presence is planned as a powerful silent witness and support.
Jaisri will consult with each participant prior to departure, to help plan the best outcomes for each individual and for the group. During the program Jaisri will be present as a group participant and facilitator, and may also lead discussions about Ayurveda and Panchakarma.
In addition to the classical healing programs, we are pleased to offer the optional opportunity for you to also attend the 5th International Conference on Ayurveda and Pre-Conference Workshops, taking place at Vaidyagrama in advance of your Panchakarma program. World renowned presenters include Dr. Vasant Lad, Mother Maya (Maya Tiwari), Dr. Robert Svoboda, Dr. Gopala Krishnan, Dr. Claudia Welch, Myra Lewin and more!
Program Options:
Please let us know if you would like to register for the International Conference on Ayurveda and we can assist with your reservations and payment if you like (see Details page for price and further information).
All programs will take place at the Vaidyagrama Ayurveda Healing Village, Coimbatore, India. Vaidyagrama literally means “healing village” and the village at Coimbatore, led by Dr. Ramkumar, includes a community of Ayurveda hospitals and physicians in a natural setting that is designed for optimum healing.
Vaidyagrama is environmentally friendly, and perfectly balances contemporary building practices with classical Ayurveda principles. The belief at Vaidyagrama is that the greater the harmony with nature the richer the health and wellness created.
As Dr. Ramkumar explains, Vaidyagrama was born of the desire to live simple, live well, live healthy and live happy. According to Ayurveda wellness includes physical wellbeing, mental and emotional wellbeing, spiritual wellbeing, social wellbeing, and environmental wellbeing. When all these aspects come together they create a state of optimum good health.
Staying at Vaidyagrama allows us to start or continue our healing journey on all levels of wellness, and treatments at the centre are fully personalized, taking into account the demands of life on our return home. The centre offers a full range of Ayurveda treatments including the popular Panchakarma.
Dr. Ramkumar tells us that Ayurveda is a way of life that deals not only with the body and mind but also with the human spirit and consciousness. It is the knowledge of life and longevity and promotes balance within the body for optimum health and wellbeing. When the body is out of balance on any level toxins cannot be properly removed and therefore build up creating disease and discomfort.
Ayurveda teaches us to understand how disease can enter our bodies and then how to restore balance and “ease”. We must first try to nourish our bodies in order for them to function well again and eliminate toxins that have built up. We can also remove the built-up toxic waste within us through a process of detoxification (Panchakarma). When all efforts are made to eliminate toxins, harmony can be restored to the body. For this to happen we need total physical and mental rest as well as the work of highly skilled Ayurvedic physicians.
Ayurvedic treatments are most successful when they are carried out in a suitably conducive environment – such as the Vaidyagrama Healing Village. Earth, water, fire, air and space are the 5 great elements that compose this cosmos and every individual living being. The belief at Vaidyagrama is that when there is a state of balance between the elements there is peace and health all around both at the individual and cosmic level. At Vaidyagrama, therefore, there is a constant endeavour to keep these 5 elements in balance, and, as participants in their programs, we will feel this harmony at every level in our bodies.
(Thanks to Karla at Sattvic Sage for the use of her photo of the Vaidyagrama Healing Village)
This 41-day classical treatment option is intended to more deeply cleanse and rejuvenate the body and mind, supporting profound healing as well as deepening personal awareness, calm, daily sadhana practice and routine. Participants will spend the 6 weeks in the tranquil oasis of Vaidyagrama and will more fully benefit from the complete physical and mental rest that the healing village provides. As with the 3-week option, treatments are assigned by the supervising physician according to individual needs. It's suggested to plan some integration time before and after travel to India.
This 21-day treatment option is intended to cleanse and rejuvenate your body and mind, and support deeper self-healing. Treatments will be assigned by the supervising physician and may include abhyanga, shirodhara, shirobhyanga, pinda sweda, nadi sweda, netra basti, kati basti, basti, virechan, etc. depending on individual indications. This treatment option is designed for those who may not be able to commit to six weeks of treatment (see 41-day option above). It’s recommended to schedule some integration time before and after your travel to India.
The “5th International Conference on Ayurveda: Where Science Meets Consciousness” takes place from Dec. 11-18, 2015 at the Vaidyagrama Ayurveda Healing Village, Coimbatore, India. This year’s conference will explore wholism or interconnectedness in the context of the nine Grahas (planets) and their influence on all aspects of life, as understood by Ayurveda and allied Indian knowledge systems.
Each day of the conference will be devoted to the study and understanding of a specific Graha and its influence on our lives. For each Graha, we will specifically examine Elements, Days, Season, Pujas, Homams, Mantras, Body parts, Mind, Diseases, Herbs, Grains, Pulses, Animals, Colours, Music, and Yoga. Each will be studied in the context of Ayurveda, Jyothisha, Tantra, Yoga and other allied Indian knowledge systems.
The conference includes keynote speakers, expert discussion panels, live demonstrations and practical sessions, video sessions, poster presentations and informal discussions with experts. Conference presenters include Dr. Vasant Lad, Mother Maya (Maya Tiwari), Dr. Robert Svoboda, Dr. Gopala Krishnan, Dr. Claudia Welch, Myra Lewin and more. The conference is open to all those who have an interest in Ayurveda from beginners and students to physicians and practitioners.
Please let us know if you would like to register for the International Conference on Ayurveda and we can assist with your reservations if you like. Conference & Twin Room: approx. USD $1,000 per person.
This workshop is aimed at beginners and those with more experience of Ayurveda alike. It is the perfect introduction to the “5th International Conference on Ayurveda: Where Science Meets Consciousness”, and offers guest expert speakers on topics such as Ayurveda, Yoga, Sanskrit, Gandharva Veda, Tongue Diagnosis, Acupractice, and more. The daily schedule comprises early morning Homam and Prayers (5-8.30am), Yoga Sessions (7-8am) followed by morning parallel sessions from 9.30am-12.30pm and afternoon sessions from 2-5pm. The workshops will take place at the Vaidyagrama Ayurveda Healing Village, Coimbatore, South India.
Please let us know if you would like to register for the Pre Conference Workshop and we can assist with your reservations if you like. Pre Conference Workshop (accommodation extra): approx. USD $330 per person.
Please register early. You will consult with Jaisri Lambert with your detailed health history prior to departure.