Temples of Transformation: An Interview with Freddy Silva


We’re very excited to welcome Freddy Silva as a tour leader on our “Maya Temples of Transformation with Freddy Silva & Miguel Angel Vergara: Yucatan: Ancient Academy of the Spirit”, December 5 – 13, 2015, journey this year. Freddy is one of the world’s leading researchers of sacred sites, ancient systems of knowledge and the interaction between temples and consciousness. He is also the best-selling author of several books including The Lost Art of Resurrection, First Templar Nation, and The Divine Blueprint. He generously answered a few questions for us about the importance of transformative travel, temple sites, and what participants can expect from this profound journey to the Yucatan.

kabah chaak mask
kabah chaak mask

Kim Bridgett: How important is it, in your opinion, that we each walk the path of a seeker and undertake a journey of personal transformation, especially in our, as you put it, “discombobulated modern culture”? How will our individual journey impact us, and then the communities and world in which we live? 

Freddy Silva: Simple. You are here as a seeker undertaking a journey of exploration. You incarnate to have an experience of this plane. Therefore your experience and how you handle it shapes you as a soul. That is the sole purpose of incarnation in a nutshell. So, if you follow your self, and your experience is also an example to others, it follows that, by your example others begin to change around you, and from that local change follows the rest of the world. Of course everyone else is also here on a personal journey, which is why the world will never “be saved”, nor will it ever be perfect. It is what it is because it is an experimental station for billions of souls, all of them at different levels of evolution.


KB: You have researched many temple sites and power places around the world, what is it about the Yucatan, Mexico that particularly resonates with you?

Freddy Silva: The temples are cleaner and clearer, relatively speaking, to others in Mexico. The pollution that came with human sacrifice is still all over many of the sites. But Yucatan appears to have been largely unscathed, helped by the underlying geology: it is a massive limestone massif, and when water percolates through, it generates an electrical charge, and since all the major rivers of the area are also underground, the energy is cleaned in more constant and consistent manner. Plus, the sites have tended to be venerated since the Spanish conquest, and so they are kept alive, so to speak.

chichen itza
Our group at Chichen Itza

KB: You use the powerful and quite beautiful image of temples as libraries “etched in stone”. How will you and Miguel help participants to access these stone libraries? Can you speak a little about the process of connecting with these temples? 

Freddy Silva: The first method is to use meditation, where possible, to get out of our heads and connect with the spirit of place. This is always a sensible way to immerse yourself in the subtler level of the ground upon which you stand; the second is to allow people as much quiet time as possible to let them take-in the essence of the sites. These places know you are coming, they can read you, and once an energetic connection is established between a person and a temple then communication automatically follows. But you can only do this when you have found your own space and comfort zone; some people take a minute, some take a week, but eventually a “hit” is made. The more times you return to a site, the easier the communication is established. It’s just like learning to drive a car. I can say that much of my work comes to me first from listening to the sites, then forming a relationship of trust, and it never ceases to amaze me just how much information we are given. I actually go into some of these experiences in my second book, The Divine Blueprint.

Kabah Arch
Kabah Arch

KB: What are you most looking forward to on this journey?

Freddy Silva: Fresh Tequila. In my line of work it is referred to as “research” :-)

But seriously, I go to be a good teacher, to share the benefit of my experience, and hope what I have to say elevates others on their journey. I also go to be open to learning something new. I was in Peru and Bolivia for the first time last year and I was yet again astonished at just how much new information came to be by being at those sites. There’s always some new revelation, and it happens as you’re actually talking about a temple. And of course I look forward to making new friends on these trips; some people have come with me on multiple tours and we have been friends for years.

I really don’t see myself as a tour leader or a guy on a pedestal, I like to think of these experiences as an opportunity to be with like-minded people, to in-joy, learn, and have some mischievous fun while we do so. So watch out for a streak of British sarcasm.

Freddy Silva with group
Freddy with a past tour group

KB: Is there anything else you’d like to share about this journey? 

Freddy Silva: Yes. Who’s staying in Room 205 so I can slip them my bill for extras, like massage?

For more about this culturally-rich and personally transformative journey, and to learn more about our charismatic tour leader, please visit our website.

~ Kim Bridgett