Ladakh is a mountainous, Tibetan Buddhist haven located in northern India, bordered by the Himalayas in the south and the Kunlun mountains to the north. Ladakh is nestled closely between Pakistan, China, and of course, India. It is in very close proximity to Tibet, hence the large population of Tibetan Buddhists in the area. As… Continue reading
5 Benefits of Spiritual Travel
The world and our lives can rush past us at remarkable speeds. We strive to find time to meditate, read, pray and learn but it can be hard to carve out time for these important spiritual practices as the demands from day to day life keep propelling us forward. When was the last time you… Continue reading
7 Reasons To Take A Sacred Tour of South India
To celebrate the completion of our sacred tour to Southern India, we wanted to remind everyone why Southern India is the perfect place to go if you’re embarking on a spiritual journey. It has stunning landscapes, vibrant cultures, ancient temples, and amazing people, all of which create the perfect atmosphere for inner and outer exploration. Even… Continue reading
Craving rest and rejuvenation? Try Panchakarma!
Panchakarma, Sanskrit for ‘five actions’ or ‘five therapies’, is rapidly growing in popularity amongst Western travellers who seek detoxification and rejuvenation of their bodies, minds, and spirits. Panchakarma is a branch of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of healing that emphasizes prevention, balance, and self-awareness. Ayurveda is a way of life that deals not only… Continue reading
The Divine Love of India – Interview with Michele Labelle
I recently had the pleasure of sitting with Michele Labelle, my dear friend and yoga retreat leader, to discuss one of her favourite subjects – India! Over chai, we explored the topics of spirituality, healing, love, yoga, and Michele’s upcoming Sacred South India Yoga Adventure with Sacred Earth Journeys. Here’s just a fragment of our conversation, which… Continue reading