“It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it.” Lena Horne When Halle Berry paid tribute to Lena Horne at the Oscars this year and made reference to this quote I couldn’t help but see the parallels between travel and life. For anyone who has ever carried a backpack you’ll… Continue reading
Spring Forward
Today we spring forward and set our clocks ahead an hour. That’s supposed to mean we lose an hour’s sleep, but I held on to mine this morning anyway. We could all use the extra rest. Now that spring is in the air it got me thinking of the dewy smell of the fresh earth,… Continue reading
Presence in Busy Times
Life has been busy for me lately, very busy. I barely have time to do menial and necessary chores like laundry and grocery shopping, but of course I need to fit them in somehow. A girl’s gotta eat, after all. With all my attention being stripped away for work and duties and chores, I’ve been… Continue reading
Appreciating this Sacred Earth
Yesterday’s topic, about scientists recently conducting tests to prove that nature is good for children, is a wake-up call that something is not right in the world. What’s most disturbing is the fact that these studies are simply being done to see if students get better grades if exposed to nature. Nothing was mentioned about… Continue reading
The Call to Heal the Earth
Sometimes we are called to places we had no intentions of visiting. Have you ever been somewhere and asked yourself why am I here? I recently had such an experience when I was in London. The trip chose me and it came about unexpectedly. I was asked to help guide a theatre tour and jumped… Continue reading