Open Your Hearts


December 21, 2012, is fast approaching, a day of profound significance in Mayan culture, and a date that some media outlets and internet sites are calling apocalyptic, forecasting Armageddon-style global events. (1) While such prophecies are founded on misunderstandings and sensationalism, this date does give us an opportunity to pause, question and reflect.
In Mayan culture, what does this date actually represent and what can we learn from ancient Mayan teachings at this time?
From the 2009 Journey: Awaken the Spirit Within

As Maya Master Teacher Miguel Angel Vergara Calleros explains, December 21st, 2012 is the conclusion of “a period of time, an era, a sun, a final cycle”, and what comes next is, in very simple terms, a new cycle. The CBC’s Bob McDonald, in his “Quills and Quarks” blog, writes that the Mayans were excellent star gazers who developed sophisticatedly accurate calendars measuring time differently to how we do today: “a year was 18 months with 20 days each, and their longest unit was called the B’ak’tun, which ran 400 years […] December marks the end of the 13th B’ak’tun”.

Rather than an end, then, December 21st can be seen as a transition, a pause on our path, and an opportunity to realign and transform ourselves. For McDonald, this date is a way “to mark the end of an era when humanity was cruel to the planet.” “Let’s begin a new era”, he enthuses, “where we will make changes at the community level to lower our impact on the Earth.” Miguel Angel equally stresses the importance of our relationship with the planet as this cycle ends: “to protect and love the planet is humankind’s position”, he says.
In order to respect “Mother Earth”, Miguel Angel advises we first need to look inward: “How can I love others if I don’t love myself?” he asks. Our first job, then, is to “connect with ourselves, transform what is needed to transform”.
“Be positive, be creative, have faith […] love unconditionally Mother Earth, love and respect all the beings around you, open your hearts and minds. […] Which is the path I want to walk from December 21, 2012?”
It is not important where exactly in the world you are on the 21st. Whether you are lucky enough to be in a sacred place such as Muyil or the Yucatán or at home, “you can create your special sacred place wherever you are”, the Maya teacher says. “You can put a candle, flowers, or you can share with other people; do a meditation, sending love and light for humankind, sending love to your beloved ones and all living beings.”
Mayan Altar, from “Return to the Sacred Path of the Sun” Journey


Mayan culture teaches us the importance of love and compassion, and reminds us that we have the power to create and effect positive change. Why not take some time next Friday to think about your own life, what’s working for you, what could change, transform? What could you do to help yourself reach your fullest potential while on this earth? How will you commit to caring for Mother Earth this month and beyond?
Since 2005 Sacred Earth Journeys has offered the “Maya Sacred Path” series of spiritual journeys that focus on different aspects of Mayan teachings while visiting Mayan sites. 2012 marks the end of the first series of programs, but a new series begins in early December 2013, that will explore the “Four Pillars of Mayan Wisdom” with guides Miguel Angel and Dr. Richard Jelusich. Visit the Sacred Earth Journeys website over the coming weeks for a full description of the first inspiring tour:
(1) The website “” is one such example.
(2) Quotes from Miguel Angel are taken from a recent conversation with Richard Jelusich, Ph.D., broadcast via a webinar on November 8, 2012. Visit for more information.
~ Kim Bridgett