Living in the Now


It almost seems impossible to live in the now when there is a trip on the horizon. I can’t help but get excited about my upcoming future excursion and wish I was there right now! I know enough to pull myself back to the present moment and focus on the energy I’m feeling which of course will propel me along the path – one step at a time.

However, once I master this technique my mind is off and running again with all the things I have to do between then and now – again taking me into the future. But how am I to live in the present moment, living my day to day routine, while an extra “to do” list sits waiting to be accomplished?

I then realize that this waiting period that I so desperately want to shorten is indeed necessary to make the required preparations. And, I know I should relish every second of it. It’s like having a gift and not wanting to open it too fast because then it will be over too quickly. Better to first appreciate the beautiful wrapping, time and care that went into it and to read the loving card attached. So much more joy seems to come to those who don’t rush.

As with everything, there is a season. The fruit must ripen first before it can easily be plucked. So too must a journey be first grown before the time is right to depart. Too soon and one’s not ready and too late and the freshness is gone.

I invite everyone to plant their garden of travel and tend to it, in the now, while recognizing when the moment has come to reap the harvest.