We’ve been getting lots of interest in our upcoming Sacred Journey to India. Look forward to calming, refreshing and strengthening your body and mind under Padma’s experienced guidance. Now, that probably sounds so appealing that you feel like February is too long to wait! On that note, we have great news, because as a warm-up, you can whet your appetite and attend some of Padma’s Workshops in the lead up to February 2011.
Even better, if you register by September 15, 2010 for our Golden Sands and Diamond Skies trip to India (led by Padma), you will receive a 50% discount on one of Padma’s upcoming retreats in British Columbia.
Padma’s meditation techniques enhance high-level performance, sharpen awareness and develop inner power. Meditation stabilizes your nerves and clears your cluttered mind, giving you the ability to focus on and achieve your goals. Register now and get on the road to inner peace as soon as possible!