Cloudy Weather, Sunny Mood


cloudyA recent overcast day and the overcast mood it brought with it started me thinking about how much easier it is to feel happy on a beautiful, sunny day. Why is this? Am I really so easily affected by some temporary weather pattern? Well, in truth, no wonder I am. We are really very interconnected with our planet, whether we are conscious of it or not. But, all that kind of higher plane thinking aside, the reality was, I still felt slightly down as I walked outside to face the world that day.

Well, the conclusion I reached, as my umbrella blew inside out, was that it really just comes down to the fact that on a beautiful day, beauty comes and smacks us in the face (and, as in this case, sometimes the bad weather comes and smacks us in the face too!). But on a sunny day, we don’t even have to try. Everything is glistening and flashing—the planet decked out in diamonds and gold. On a rainy, dark, socked-in day, is the beauty gone? No, of course it’s still there. The view as I walk out my front door is unchanged. The difference is, the make-up is off. The accessories aren’t catching the light and drawing me in.

Next rainy day, I am going to enjoy my natural, unmade-up planet for what it is. The beauty underneath any outer attractiveness is the kind of beauty that lasts anyway. I’m pretty sure next rainy day I am going to walk out and my beautiful earth is will look amazing–make-up, sun, rain, clouds, inside-out umbrella–whatever is in front of me, I am going to let it bring a smile to my face.