Greece has a wealth of Sacred Sites to visit which in itself makes it an excellent sacred destination. The Acropolis of Athens, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is often the first stop for visitors. UNESCO describes the monuments, which include the Parthenon, as “universal symbols of the classical spirit and civilization [which] form the greatest architectural and artistic complex bequeathed by Greek Antiquity to the world.”(1) Other sacred sites include Agora, Delphi, the Temple of Apollo, the 13th century monastic site of Mystra and the ancient citadel of Mycenae, among many more.
The Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece
2: The Sport-Spirituality Connection
In his book The Olympic Odyssey: Rekindling the True Spirit of the Great Games Phil Cousineau explores the relationship between the Olympics and spirituality.(2) In a CBC interview with Mary Hynes ahead of the Vancouver 2008 Winter Olympics, Cousineau talks about our need to watch great sporting events such as the Olympics to counter our “falling asleep”:
“What wakes us up is the recognition of a spark … we are so taken with [the athlete’s] enthusiasm (from the Greek word that means the “god within”) that it somehow rekindles the spark in us. …That’s why we watch games… we are reminded again and again about the life force. And one reason why the image of fire overlaps between sports, the arts and spiritual concerns is because fire is the symbol of life itself… and yet it can go out, but great athletes and great athletic events can reawaken it within us when we are watching them.”
A second need that we have as humans is to make a difference during our short time on earth, and again, sports is a way for some of guaranteeing a lasting legacy:
“Human beings have felt the urge to say ‘I was here… I transcended this finger snap of time’ that we’re all afraid of. If we rise above to our utmost capacity, time stands still – we remember it for the rest of our lives and anybody watching that performance will remember what they felt, what they wore, what was in the air at that moment, and time stops. It is our one way of saying forever that ‘I was here and I made a difference’.”(3)
Our group at Olympia, Greece
3: Greek Mythology
The Gods and Goddesses, the enduring stories of Love and War – Greece is a land that resonates with mythology, and Greek Mythology has itself travelled throughout the world. When you visit Greece you stand on the soil where the The Myth of Atlantis was born, where Zeus’s successful battle against his father Cronus was first imagined, and the Goddess Aphrodite’s origins fiercely debated. Images of the Gods and Goddesses remain on walls, artifacts and in the museums of this inspiring country.
4: Wonders of The Ancient World
In Greece we can visit the remains of the Temple of Zeus, which housed the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, until its destruction during the 5th Century AD. We can contemplate the 7 Wonders list at this ancient site and imagine the Temple and Statue in all its glory.
Phil and our group discussing Greek art, literature and spirituality at Eleusis
5: Greece’s Enduring Connection to Nature
Ancient Greece gave us Hippocrates of Cos, and doctors today, of course, still take the Hippocratic Oath. Ancient Greek doctors turned to nature rather than appealing to the Gods when treating patients, using ingredients that are still commonly found in our home today: vinegar, garlic, honey and so on. Today, nature is still an important aspect of any visit to Greece. Its beautiful Mediterranean climate, its abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, its quality olive oils and its stunning vistas, from seascapes to forests and mountains, make Greece an ideal destination for any nature lover.
Want To Visit Greece – An Ideal Sacred Destination?
Do you want to experience the Sacred Sites and stories of Greece for yourself? Join Phil Cousineau on “The Heart of Ancient Greece: An Odyssey with Phil Cousineau: The Myths, Heroes, Gods and Goddesses, and Sacred Sites of the Classical World, September 24 – October 4, 2018.” This journey will take you to the most important sacred sites, including the Temple of Zeus, and you will be treated to Phil Cousineau’s wisdom, stories and great company!
Exclusive Greece interview with Phil Cousineau:
Our next blog post will feature an exclusive interview with Phil Cousineau: Sacred Greece: An Interview with Phil Cousineau in which he discusses why Greece is such an important sacred destination.